blogging break.

September 15, 2015

Hi everyone,

Just a quickie to let all my lovely readers that I am going to be absent for a bit. Blogging is becoming increasingly difficult for me and I need to give myself some time out in order to gather my thoughts and come up with some fresh ideas/inspiration. (I will still be on twitter during this time: @haiaeve )

I will see you soon. Sorry about this!




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do things that make you happy

September 08, 2015

It has hit me recently how important it is to make decisions that you will benefit from and feel happy for. Sometimes this is incredibly difficult due to the worry of letting others down or not living up to others' exceptions, but sometimes it is very important to in a way be selfish.

 I form strong bonds with a lot of people and losing these bonds due to letting them down is something that has always scared me. This isn't always a bad thing, but I have had to learn to be realistic and to do things that will suit me personally. Making big decisions in life is something scary, but as long as you are enjoying what you're doing; I think you'll be okay.

Your own personal happiness is so important and ensuring that you are happy is something that you should really prioritise in life. A happier you makes a much happier life. It makes sense. 

credit : source

Thanks for reading.


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new posts when?

September 06, 2015

I am already exhausted and I've only been back at school for 2 days. It has hit me how much of a struggle I find blogging during this time of year. It's sad when you don't feel hugely excited about posting regularly, so I've had to be realistic:

 I have now decided to post Sundays and most Fridays. 

Speak soon. 


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have a great month.

September 02, 2015

credit - source
I can't believe it is already September. August was a really good month, but I am now super excited to get counting down to Christmas :)

I wanted to put together this little post as for a lot of us September marks the beginning of new things in many ways. For me, it marks the beginning of my sixth form experience...yikes! haha! 

As scary as this new year may seem, it can be truly amazing if you go into it with the right attitude and appreciate all the chances you are given. Learn from mistakes. Be kind to others. Work hard. Have a good time.

I hope that September and the next academic year is a good one for you.
You can do it!


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