Hi everyone!
If you didn't know, I am Instagram obsessed. For a while I had 3 accounts; a personal, a blog instagram and an account for my Zumba love (@zumbawitheve , if you fancy giving me a follow). Now, I have decided that my personal/blog one will merge into one: instagram.com/evejohnson15 (even though I may post the odd photo on my old one: @haiaeve).
Anyway, I thought now that I post regularly it would be nice to do a monthly photo summary, to share with you the pics from my instagram in the past month. Here's the first edition. Enjoy.
Hi everyone!
I feel bad because I've got into a verrrrryyyyyy bad habit of posting only once a week...THIS WILL STOP! I have been crazy busy this past week preparing to start my job/life as a fitness/Zumba instructor.
I received the exciting news on Monday that Friday the 29th (yesterday) I would be teaching my first ever Zumba class all by myself. OMG. The last week was spent practicing, planning, and listening to the same music over and over again. After a lot of preparation and nerves, I did it! I took my first class. It felt extraordinary. The energy, smiles and good vibes you feel in a Zumba class is amazing and it makes me feel so blessed that I get to teach such an epic fitness programme. Of course, the class wasn't perfect, but for a first run I think it went pretty well.
You have to remember that practice makes perfect and the more experience you gain the better you do and the more confident you feel. Bring on many more classes! :)
I really love having a job in the fitness industry as a gym instructor and Zumba instructor, it is very rewarding. I can't wait for all the experiences that are to come.
Don't worry, I will be documenting so many experiences on Haia Eve for you lot to share with me (Plus, I have so many VERY exciting plans this year for Haia Eve....stay tuned!)
Here's her description of the video:
You've been through the Pilates with me. You've been through the HIIT with me. Now, I'm introducing to you for the first time, my new format - PIIT: Pilates Intense Interval Training! Using absolutely no equipment, I lead you through 7 moves that alternate between intense moves that will bring your heart rate up paired with Pilates inspired exercises designed to tone your muscles.
Today's routine is focused on Booty lifting! Follow me through the first round of Booty Pop PIIT. It's 45 sec on and 15 sec off. If this is your only workout for the day, please repeat this video 4x through for a complete workout that is right under 30 min.
I actually have just given this workout a go and it's a killer on those legs and your bum. The best thing about Casey's videos is that she makes them so motivating and positive. She is your workout buddy through the exercises and will keep you going! Give the workout a go: HERE - PIIT - BLOGILATES
Written on Thursday, January 14th 2016.
Yes, I know this post isn't exactly 'blog' related, but is something close to my heart.
I am writing this without having a plan or without proof reading because, I honestly want it to be a natural, real post. I am writing this on the 14th of January 2016. Today my favourite actor Alan Rickman passed away.
If you know me at all, or you've been following my blog/twitter for a while then you'd know how much I adore him.
My good friend rang me at around twenty past one in the afternoon and told me. I was shocked and I cried. a lot.
I don't know if for some of you, writing a post like this about someone I never knew personally is a bit odd, I've felt the same in the past when I've seen people grieving over someone famous, I've thought: 'why are they so upset about someone who they hadn't ever met?', but now I understand.
I have no idea if I will even post this, but I feel like I owe it to him to write a post about his importance to me and the world.
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I learnt many lessons from Snape; I firstly learnt that everyone has a story and sometimes the people who seem like the most unpleasant people, deep down are hurting. I've also learnt that being a hero isn't all about putting on a cape and saving the world, there is so much more to a true hero, so much more bravery. He also really showed that love is something that sticks with you forever, but is something that can also cause so much pain.
I shed many tears when Snape passed, but so many more today.
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I never thought the death of a "celebrity" would hurt me, but this one definitely has. He meant a great deal to me for a whole manner of reasons. I am truly heartbroken. It's devastating that we've lost someone so special to such a devil of an illness.
I cannot begin to imagine the pain his family and friends are feeling right now, all I can do is send love, thoughts and prayers to them.
Alan Rickman is gone, but never ever forgotten. Thank you so much for all you've given us, Alan. You were a true one-of-a-kind man and a true blessing to our world. Alan had a big impact on my life, he inspired me in many ways and could make me smile and feel happy (while watching him in films/interviews) on even the saddest days.
I was planning to write Alan a letter about all the things I've mentioned in this post, but I never got the chance. I wish I had the chance to tell him how important he was.
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Is it just me, or has this weekend flown by so quickly that you hardly had a second to sit still?
This weekend has been exhausting for me; I've had so much work to take on after returning from Christmas holidays that it hasn't felt at all like a weekend should (relaxing or filled with activities you actually enjoy), it instead has been filled with feeling overwhelmed and tired. I have finally said bye-bye to my work for today in order to just chill out. I will have to tackle the work another day.
I now finally have time to sit down and put together a post, and thought, wouldn't it be great timing to put together one about tackling the feeling of stress? I know lots of us do get overwhelmed at this time of year with all we have to do, so thought a post like this might help.
....and I'm not just saying that because I'm a fitness blogger. There is so much research that proves that exercise is amazing at decreasing your stress levels. I find that doing a bit of exercise on a hectic/full-on day really, really helps. So, if you're feeling stressed, put on those trainers and just run...
2. Give it a break.
Taking yourself away from the situation that is stressing you out is often the best thing to do. It gives you time to focus on something else and to think of more stress-free ways of tackling it later.
3. Re-evaluate it's importance...
Ask yourself: 'is it worth all this stress and worry?' and with your answer come up with a strategy of how you'll move forward.
4. Chat to someone.
Often getting all that stress off your chest, rather than holding it in can make you feel 100 times better, so let someone know how you are feeling.
5. Make a list.
This won't solve all stress problems, but for the stressful situations where you have so much to do and have a to-do list building up in your head, write it all down. I feel like visually seeing what you have to do makes it so much easier to keep on top of things. Also, schedule what you are going to do when, so that you give yourself time to complete the tasks, but also time to chill out.
I'm not normally one who gets really stressed, but when I do having tips like these can be very helpful.
Dear Carly,
Thank you so much for the kick up the backside when things get tough, for continuing to motivate and support your viewers/readers and for just being such a positive light. You were one of the first people to inspire me to get fitter and now I am so happy to be a fitness instructor and newly converted fitness/lifestyle blogger. You are fabulous!
Lots of Love, Eve x
Guys! If you haven't heard of Carly then you may as well have been living under a rock. She's a British personal trainer and fitness/lifestyle blogger/youtuber and is amazing. If you are needing some extra motivation, look no further, Carly's got you covered!
Today I wanted to share with you my favourite AB workout at the moment. It's one of Carly's "One Song Workouts" - Watch It Here . The workout is the length of one song (whatever song you choose) and is hardcore. You can repeat it (or at least bearable) to do as a single workout (therefore I tend to repeat it), but when including it in my gym routine it can be quite a challenge!
It consists of:
1. Walk Twist 15 reps.
2. Hillclimbers 40 reps.
3. Side Plank Twist 10 reps.
4. Laying Jacknife 10 reps.
5. Bicycle Crunch - 40 reps.
6. Laying Jacknife 10 reps.
7. Side Plank Twist 10 reps.
8. Elbow Crunch continue until the end of the song.
...okay, maybe not your FAVOURITE place, but somewhere close to that.
The truth is, when many think of the gym a feeling of utter dread comes over them, it's somewhere people put off atending, because let's be honest, it can be very boring..but, It doesn't have to be. Today's post is here to help you fall in love with the gym (or at least like it a tiny bit more).
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I feel like having new music to listen to makes a gym experience 100x better, rather than listening to the same boring music all over again, or worse, having no music at all. I love listening to music with a certain amount of BPM (beats per minute) to really push myself - yes I do believe that music can make me work a lot harder. If you can't be spending many pennies on some new tunes, but have wifi/3G/4G in your gym, just go onto youtube and search for workout music - this is something I've been doing a lot recently!
2. Dress to impress (yourself)
Wearing clothing you feel super good and comfortable in makes going to the gym feel like a much better experience. It's sad but true!
Why not treat yourself to a new pair of trainer socks?
3. Challenge yourself, but not too much...
If you have a bad experience in the gym, for example, the feeling of failure at not being able to do your fitness program, it can really put you off ever trying again. It's so important that you work to your best ability, but make it realistic.
I love using the SMART goal approach when setting myself targets. You can learn about SMART goals and how to set them here.
It's important that we gradually build on our fitness - It's not something that happens over night, so give yourself a break...you are doing good!
4. Mix it up.
Doing the same old repetitive exercise all the time is boring (and your body will get used to it, so you'll stop noticing improvements in your body/fitness). MY TIP: Mix it up! Ask your gym instructor for some new workouts to try out - having a new set of exercises/equipment to take on makes it so much more exciting!
I have a serious fitness wear shopping problem. My wardrobe and drawers have been taken over by Zumba/gym clothing, leaving no space for "normal" clothing. That's my life for you - I just can't help myself. A new year leaves me drooling over lots of new fitness clothes to kick start my workout right, with fresh clothes for a fresh year of working out. I am a strong believer in if you think you look good, then you'll feel good too, but maybe I'm just making excuses for my shopping problem?
As much as I do adore the festive season, it can really do harm to my body (yes I've over indulged on the chocolates and I'm happy to admit it.) It's a new year now, so it's time to start fresh. I am not here to lecture the importance of cutting out the junk, because lets face it, we're going to treat ourselves sometimes and that is TOTALLY fine. I want this post to be some type of guidance to having a healthy/happy start to the year.
This first post of 2016 is here to kick start your year in a positive way (and for me also to kick start my path as a fitness/health/lifestyle blogger).
Bra : Here | Top : Here | Leggings : Here |
Let's start 2016 on a happy path.
1. Hello exercise!
As much as you may hate or love it, exercising is so important. Don't worry, there's more to exercise than circuits, spin and the gym. There is something out there for everyone. Experiment and find the right exercise for you...remember exercise can be fun!
2. Veggie love...
Chuck out the Christmas chocolates and sweeties (or store them safe for emergencies) and let's get eating those good foods. Eating healthily really changes how you feel inside. I will be honest, I am a sucker for chocolate, chocolate cake, chips, pizza etc and I will not be cutting them OUT of my diet, just cutting them DOWN. My best tip is: enjoy your food, but in moderation.
3. DRINK!!!
No, not alcohol. No, not sodas. Water. Drinking water is so important to ensure good health, good skin, good hair etc. It's a blessing! I will admit that I seriously need to improve my water drinking habits this year.
4. Enjoy.
There are so many 'healthy rules' that it can be way too overwhelming. I know changing your lifestyle can be extremely difficult, so don't do anything radical. At the end of the day enjoying is so much more important, so if a change in lifestyle is something you hate, don't do it. Remember that treats are allowed. I couldn't go a week without bread or chocolate.
5. Positive Mind = Positive Life.
Having a positive, happy outlook on life is so important to your health and to your life. Remember to take time to focus on keeping a positive mind; whether this means going for a walk in the fresh air, having a shopping trip or baking a chocolate cake - focus on having some 'you' time. Appreciate all the good things in your life and look at where changes need to be made to make you happier.