Hi my lovely readers -
How are you all? Firstly, might I address how quickly this year is going; I cannot believe we are now half way through October...like what?
Anyway, today's post is about staying positive, keeping happy and not letting "bad" things have a huge influence on your life.
I think I am a quite a positive person on the whole, however I'll be the first to admit; sometimes it all gets too much.
I actually experienced that overwhelming feeling of 'oh my gosh, why is all this happening?' last week, but after a little cry and a big chat (...and lots of tea) I took a deep breath and thought "okay, you've got it out of your system, now get over it!". This is hard. It's hard to move on sometimes and put on a happy face, but we have to do it or we'll live our lives always feeling sad and always with a glass half empty.
I'll be the first to admit, everyone has bad days. Everyone. No one is 100% happy 100% of the time, but you have to pick yourself up and brush it off. Feeling happy is the best feeling of all! =)
Here are some of my favourite ways to stay positive (I hope they help if you sometimes find it difficult)...
- Talk about it - the saying "a problem shared is a problem halved" is very true. Sometimes it is hard to speak about things as you feel vulnerable, but it is so important. It stops you from having to constantly keep it bottled up inside. Even if you aren't looking for advice, just saying the things that are getting to you/worrying you out loud can really help.
- Remember that it's okay to feel down sometimes. Totally okay. Everyone feels down. However, you have to try and find a way to feel better. Try looking at a situation in a different light or from a different angle/perspective - this can help.
- Take a break. Take a break from whatever it is that is making you feel negative. Take a break from work, from a friendship, a relationship, a project...whatever it is, sometimes it is good to take a break.
- Do something you love/enjoy to make you feel better. Chat to a friend or listen to music; do whatever floats your boat!
- Remember how amazing life is. Appreciate whatever it is in your life that makes you feel happy and filled with love. That's what matters.
- Maybe it's time for a change? Okay, this is maybe the hardest. Buuuuut if things don't get better and you are continuing to feel down, maybe it's time for you to make a change. Whether it be giving up on an activity, finding a new project or cutting ties with someone who makes you feel down.
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