Fit4Friday: BODY IMAGE
Do you want to be skinny? Maybe you want to have curves? Perhaps you'd like to look athletic? Maybe you wish you were taller? Or shorter?
Let's have a look at some body image statistics (taken from an American source):
81% of 10 year olds are afraid of being fat
More than half of teenage girls aren or think the should be, on diets- wanting to lose the 40 pounds that females naturally gain between ages 8-14
80% of women say that the images of women on television/movies/magazines/adverts makes them feel insecure
These statistics are mind-blowing!
How do you feel about yourself?
Are you too tall?
Too curvy?
Think that you're too slim or too wide?
Too short?
Is there anything you do like about your body? Think about it.
What is body image?
What is body image?
Body image is a person's inner conception of his/her own physical appearance. This conception may or may not be reality.
Society is giving girls and boys the message that in order to be 'pretty' or 'good-looking' you have to look a certain way. This largely involves looking like the PHOTOSHOPPED celebrity on the cover of a magazine.
This gives youngsters the message that in order to be accepted you must look a certain way or behave a certain way, making the person feel terribly low in confidence by feeling as if they're not good enough.
Quite honestly I think it's absolutely awful. Put down the magazine and start being realistic. You we're given a body a UNIQUE BODY. It's never going to be identical to others. Embrace yourself. Be healthy. Eat healthily. Stay fit. But stop PLEASE STOP getting sucked in to the loop of media pressure and appearance and judging yourself against the fake celebrity world. You are who you are. And you can't change that. Just be a BETTER version of YOU (if need be).
Thanks for reading.
Have a fabulous weekend guys.
Take care. xx
Society is giving girls and boys the message that in order to be 'pretty' or 'good-looking' you have to look a certain way. This largely involves looking like the PHOTOSHOPPED celebrity on the cover of a magazine.
This gives youngsters the message that in order to be accepted you must look a certain way or behave a certain way, making the person feel terribly low in confidence by feeling as if they're not good enough.
Quite honestly I think it's absolutely awful. Put down the magazine and start being realistic. You we're given a body a UNIQUE BODY. It's never going to be identical to others. Embrace yourself. Be healthy. Eat healthily. Stay fit. But stop PLEASE STOP getting sucked in to the loop of media pressure and appearance and judging yourself against the fake celebrity world. You are who you are. And you can't change that. Just be a BETTER version of YOU (if need be).
Thanks for reading.
Have a fabulous weekend guys.
Take care. xx
photo source: NHS campaign 'I love me' |