June 27, 2014Hey everyone!
A very happy Friday to you all! What a long, draining week it has been for me, so happy to have the weekend to chill a little.
Today's post is a 'full body bootcamp' post. They're really simple workouts targeted at MOST areas we like to tone up!
As I have previously stated, I am not an expert in the area. I'm using my own experience and sharing exercises I like to do myself!
Also, apologies for the messy background, I had to make do I'm afraid! (oh and my face in every picture is hilarious!)
Star jump with shoulder press.
The star jumps works at different parts of your body all at the same time, especially your legs!
By adding in a shoulder press (bringing your hands to touch above your head as you jump) you're also working on strengthening your arms and shoulders!
Star jumps can be done as a warm up, during a bootcamp exercise or as a cool down, all depending on the intensity!
High knees
High knees jogging on the spot is absolutely brilliant at not only working your legs but also your stomach muscles (as you perform the exercise hold your upper body straight & engage your core)
Again, this can be used at any time during your workout!
Jump, jump, squat.
TRY AND GET LOWER INTO THE SQUAT THAN I AM IN THE DEMO!! (bad demo skills on my part!!)
Aim to do around 10-12 of that sequence.
Mountain climbers
Start on all fours, a little higher than you'd be in a press up position. You then take one leg into your chest as if you're about to start a race. You alternate legs (right leg, left leg, right, left....) for about 40 seconds- 1 minute (basically, bringing each leg into your chest at different times. Remember this movement has to be quite quick) Aim to do 2 sets.
If I didn't explain it very well look at the photo OR watch Carly Rowena's bootcamp video :FULL BODY FAT BURN BOOTCAMP
This exercise targets your legs, core(abs) and strength.
Heel touches
Touch either heel with your hand for 5-10 each side.
This exercise is brilliant at working your side muscles.
Three quarter pulse
I literally gave this workout my own name! haha!
Start with your body stretched out across the floor, with your arms stretched out above your head.
Use your core strength to come up into a THREE QUARTER sit up (more tension on abs than in a full sit up)
Once in that position, raise your feet off the ground and gain your balance. Place your arms at the side of your body and begin to pulse/pump your arms up and down to work the lower abs.
Do around 10 reps and repeat the sequence 1-3 times.
Does that burn or what?
And there we go!
Thanks so much for reading!
Have an amazing weekend!
Take care,
Eve xx
TWITTER: here!! :)
If you have any questions related to F4F don't be afraid to ask! :)