F4F#31 - free diet & workout plan

March 20, 2015

a gift from me to you
I have created a workout & diet plan for you! Having a plan can be very handy in insuring that you're keeping to your healthy lifestyle and for you to take note of what you've done/eaten each day.
These plans are completely free. All you have to do is print them, follow the instructions on them and begin use!
Food diary
Fill in each column with a list of what you eat or drank at each point in the day.

Fitness diary

In time column - add in 1-7 times you exercised during the day and the duration of those sessions.
Below each day add in what it was you did.

Let me know how you get on!
Have a brilliant weekend!
Love, Eve

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  1. This is such a good idea! I've recently tried planning my meals ahead to help me budget as well as to stay healthy (no last-minute pizzas!)

    Charli x http://highstreetbeautyjunkie.blogspot.co.uk/

    1. I was just going through my old posts and noticed I hadn't read your comment! So, I'm responding...almost 2 years late!! Thanks for your lovely comment. X
