UPDATE | Life, Blog, Health & more.

February 28, 2016

Hi everyone.

It feels so nice to just be sitting down and writing a chatty post for the first time in a long while (It's like old times).

I felt like a life update was long overdue on here. I feel like I haven't had an opportunity to update you on things going on in life or on the blog, so here's my chance.

Excuse me while I organise this post under subheadings (I'm an organisational freak)

Okay, so I'm attempting to up my fitness game. I have got to the point where I've been doing the same routine for a year, so I'm seeing no progress. I've decided to add a PIIT (blogilates) session here and there, along with running or going to the gym. I forgot how good it feels when you have a killer workout session.  I will be sure to update you on my fitness regime soon.

Recently, I've been finding that I haven't been feeling good after eating bread or having too much dairy (a hugely bloated feeling). I don't at all think I am allergic to gluten and don't think I'm lactose intolerant, but I have decided to attempt to cut down on them. (I am drinking more almond milk), I am feeling quite a bit better after making these changes.

A lot of recent life has consisted of hard work at my job. As you may know (if you've read my blog for a bit) I am a Zumba instructor and gym instructor. I love my job. I love it, I love it. I feel so grateful to do my job and recently, I have really realised how much I enjoy it.

Yikes! It's getting intense and I am trying not to get overwhelmed with it all. I have gone through all the emotions; have I chosen the right subjects? Am I going to pass? What am I doing? Do I need to work harder? Do I need to relax?...Eve needs to take a break (as you can tell)

I love my blog, but I am not insanely happy with the layout and content at the moment. There are little things about the layout that are bugging me, but I haven't got the time nor the patience to get round to sorting them out right now (and no, I don't want to pay to have it sorted). I am setting myself the target of posting once a week (and more is a bonus), I can't pile loads of pressure on.

New Project.
I have some exciting things planned, for myself and for the blog. I am about to embark on a new chapter in my fitness career (if all goes to plan) - I will post about it soon. I am also working on something super exciting (to do with my blog), but it's all super secret right now (just incase it all falls through). Eek...I can't wait to share with you all soon! 

Things I've been loving.
I will be posting a faves post soon...so look out for that!!!!! 

Lots of Love,


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  1. Looking forward to seeing where your next fitness venture goes : ) Sounds like you've been super busy! Make sure you take some time out to yourself too, although I know that zumba and working out helps you do that! : ) xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

    1. Thank you! I need to remember to chill out/give myself some "me" time sometimes. Hope all is good with you! :) xxx
