GET INSPIRED & MOTIVATED | how to combat your lack of motivation to exercise

February 21, 2018

Hello, hello! You've reached the half-way point of the week. We've reached the 'hump' day! Happy Wednesday...Friday is in sight! 

Unless you've been living under a rock, I am pretty sure you know that the Winter Olympic Games are happening right now! Yes, right now!!!! One of the best things about the Olympics (whether it be the Summer Olympics or the Winter Olympics), is the way it inspires people of all ages and backgrounds to get active and to give things a go; whether that be trying out an activity you never would have before or simply to inspire you to get moving. It is so heartwarming to see so many young people taking up sporting activities because they have seen them on Olympics. There is something rather powerful about that, and I think that is what is so great about the Olympics. It has actually inspired today's whole post. 
It got me thinking about those days where we don't have things like the Olympic Games to inspire us to get up and at it- how do we get inspired and find motivation then? It can be challenging, especially when January and the new year's resolutions seem so far in the past. So, I decided to put together a few tips in hope that they can be of use to some of you in wanting to get motivated!

goodbye 5 hours on the treadmill, hello outdoors
"Maybe I should workout" *cue mental image of oneself spending the evening running on the treadmill, getting nowhere* "Nah, maybe I'll give it a miss" How many of you have done this? Hands up! Yep, me. Totally me. Using the cardio equipment at the gym is great and is really convenient, but sometimes it can get a little boring and seem like you're stuck. Sometimes it's good to switch up the environment and get outdoors. Whether that be going outside for a run, a walk, a hike, a cycle...feel that fresh air and soak in the views (rural or urban). Getting outdoors can be so rewarding and can actually give you some 'alone time'. The days are getting lighter for longer now (about time!) so there really are no excuses.
mix it up
If you're still doing the same workout routine as you were doing 2 months ago, no wonder you're getting bored. I am constantly changing up my workout routine. Whether that be mixing up the types of exercises I do at the gym, or attending a new fitness class.
classes are your new best friend
There is nothing quite like a fitness class. There is such a community feel to a class; you're all there together reaching your goals, with an instructor that inspires you to do so! Try out some classes. There are so many out there to pick from! (Note: Zumba was the absolute best in getting me motivated; it's fun, relaxed and you work hard. Maybe I'm biased though...)
at home workouts
The internet means it is so easy to find some inspiring workouts to do at home. Check out blogilates, Carly Rowena or GraceFitUK (to name some of my favourites). You'll find a variety of different exercises you can do from the comfort of your own home (you could even stay in your PJs!)
Explore. See the world. Go on an adventure. Exercise isn't all about being stuck in a room for an hour...excercise whilst experiencing new places.
research & do it!
Have you been inspired by something you've seen in the Olympics? Or somewhere else? Don't let the doubt of "I couldn't possibly do that" hold you back. Do some research on the opportunities you have in your area- find the nearest rugby club, or ice rink, or track. Open doors for yourself!
set a challenge...
There is nothing like a challenge to keep you motivated. Maybe you want to run a half marathon? Or a whole marathon? Or a triathlon? Perhaps you want to do something for Sport Relief? Setting yourself a challenge you have to reach will mean you'll feel you have to train, plus if you do it for a special reason e.g. raising funds for a cause, that gives you even more of an incentive!

So, what are you waiting for? Get going! 

Thanks so much for reading! Enjoy the rest of your week...

Love always,


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