February 01, 2018![]() |
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"I am going to be happier" / "I'm going to be more positive" / "I'm going to stress less" these are all things we say A LOT. Things that are really easy to say, but much harder to actually do. It is important, however, to acknowledge that it's brilliant that you've acknowledged the importance of trying to lead a happier life. Mental health is as important as physical health. I am not coming on here acting as if I have all the answers, I don't. I realise that everyone is in a different boat. Your mental health is such a unique thing, and I realise that for some of you, changing your mindset is not simply flicking a switch and that my tips and experiences may be absolutely useless to you. That's ok. That's not a problem. We are all on our own journey. As long as you are taking your own personal actions in order to work on your situation, that is okay.
The intention of today's post is to help you think of some ways to work on being happier. I am on the whole, a very happy person, however, sometimes I find myself feeling overwhelmed by the tasks surrounding me, the expectations I place on myself and just the small little stresses of life. I have made it a task of mine to work on this. I have been thinking long and hard about it. I lead a very good life, I am very lucky. I have a job that I love, a home where I am happy, great family and great friends. I know how fortunate I am, but sometimes the little stresses of life can overcloud that and take away from that. At the end of the day, life is very short. We don't know what is around the corner for us, so why not live in the moment? I have made it my mission to avoid 'sweating the small stuff' and to look around me and just how beautiful life is. I love life, and I'm happy.
Some ideas and tips...
Scheduling - this makes the world of difference for me. Sitting down and writing down a day-to-day schedule for the week ahead is so helpful to me as it allows for me to remove the schedule from my brain. Having a schedule set down with all of your tasks for the week and noting when you'll complete them is so helpful in de-cluttering your brain and decreasing stress. It gives you structure. I always ensure when I put these together that I only spend a certain few hours completing my tasks, allowing for time for doing things I enjoy, e.g watching Scandal (this is bringing me A LOT of joy atm!), going for a walk, spending time with friends and/or family etc. Knowing that you are going to have downtime each day gives you something to work towards, rather than it feeling like you have to spend hours on end working, this gives you something to look forward to. It's so important to have time off every day.
Get outside - I cannot emphasise how much I think going outside can make you feel fresher, happier and more relaxed. I get so much joy out of doing something as simple as standing outside with a cup of coffee (coffee is another thing that I LOVE). To be able to hear the birds singing and to feel the breeze on your face is just so lovely. I feel like I am able to really clear my mind when I'm outdoors, it's somewhere I often come up with my best ideas.
Make time - Stop not doing things you enjoy because you have 'no time'. Oh yes, you DO have time. Find it. You won't regret spending parts of your week doing things that bring you happiness.
Move - Sitting at your desk for too long or even just sitting on the sofa doing nothing can make you feel miserable. Get moving - even if that just going to tidy your room (ohhh, yes - remember: tidy environment = tidy/clear mind).
Think about it - Am I wasting time stressing? Am I worrying about nothing? In the grand scheme of things, is this really worth getting upset over? Get some perspective - think about it. Take action.
Smaller to-do lists - Who else does this... you have 10 things you have to complete in the week, and so for tomorrow's to-do list you put 8/10 of the tasks down...just to get it out the way? When in actual fact, often this is too overwhelming - you don't know where to start and end up getting 10% of what you needed to get done completed. Smaller to-d0 lists (1-2 things that need to be done) are far more realistic and attainable, and you'll probably feel better afterwards because you've achieved what you set out to achieve.
What brings you joy? - Find something that makes you feel happy. This could be as simple as taking the dog for a walk, watching your favourite tv programme, attending a Zumba class etc.
Practice positivity - This can be hard, but it's as important as eating healthily and exercising. Be kinder to yourself, give yourself more credit for what you are achieving and try to look at situations in the most positive way possible.
Appreciate - Think about what you're grateful for. What do you have in your life that brings you joy? Sometimes, we have to take a look around and appreciate what we have and where we are.
Slow down - Sometimes it can feel like life is moving 100 miles an hour, it's so important to know when it's time to stop. Just stop. Take a break. Life is not about a race. You can't achieve everything at once, it takes time. Give yourself credit for what you have achieved and the places you've reached. Sometimes you need to just take time off to just breathe, to rest and to let it all sink in.
And, there you go. Those are some of the things that I think about and they help me to lead a happy life (of course, we all have our off days where we need get the emotions and worries out, and we all face challenges in our lives that seem impossible - it is fine to be upset about things, life can be hard and cruel, just know that you shouldn't let it defeat you. If you're struggling, speak to someone).
I hope you liked this post.
Love always,
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