F4F#10- Finding the time!

June 20, 2014

WOW- We've reached our 10th F4F! Crazy!

Haia everyone,

I really struggled coming up with an idea for today's post. I've deliberated over a few ideas and finally it sprung to me... 
"Eve, what was the thing you struggled with most when it came to keeping fit?"
My answer: "When to do it."

So, that's the theme of today's post: FINDING THE TIME. 

I struggled with finding the time to exercise as I was always 'too busy' 
The truth is, if you want to do it, you'll find the time. 

Here are some simple ways to sculpt exercising into your weekly routine...

1. Get outside.

You can run, skip, walk, hula hoop etc.
My favourite workout to do is step it ups on a bench to sculpt my leg muscles. Going outside is free and there aren't many limits to the exercises you can do outside.
The best thing is you don't even have to donate hours of your day to workout- even if it's just 15 minutes every day or every other day you'll feel the benefit.

2. Watch tutorials.

I love watching exercise tutorials to get me feeling motivated. There are tons of great videos on youtube of people sharing their best workout tips.
My personal favourites are: 

Why not try one of their workouts every day? 

3. The comfort of your own home.

I think some people think that in order to have a great workout you have to be a gym member or have a big back garden. NOT TRUE.
There are so many exercises that can be performed inside your home,
For example.. how about climbing your stairs a few times? 

4. Set a programme.

If you're a gym member, having an appropriate and enjoyable programme is essential. Talk to an instructor about setting a programme that will fit into your time schedule, and they will then make sure that your workouts will be within that time limit.

5. Make your own workout schedule.

If you make a timetable for when you're going to workout it will most likely keep you organised and motivate you to stick to it.
A timetable is super quick and easy to make, but incase you just haven't got the energy to make one, here's one I made...

It's a six week schedule that I created on microsoft, now all you have to do is fill in the gaps.

Remember.. even if you only have time to exercise once a week, that is fine- you're doing something!

Don't look at exercising as a chore, I believe it can be a lot of fun!! 

Thank You for reading!

Have a lovely weekend!

Take care,
Eve xx

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