
June Favourites

June 28, 2015

Hello everyone.

I cannot believe we are almost reaching the end of June...WHAT THE!!?? Where the heck is this year going? We're already HALF WAY THROUGH 2015! 

I have put together some of my favourites from June as I haven't done a favourites post in a very long while and this months I've noticed a change in my favourites (a lot of new loves), so I thought it would be good to share.

1. A Cinderella Story - This month I experienced this amazing film for the first time. I know, I know, it's a real teen classic and probably a huge crime that it has taken me THIS LONG to watch it...I'm sorry:( I really loved the film (I'm a sucker for a good old romance film) - Hilary Duff was brilliant and I adored the modern take on the classic Cinderella and am dying to watch the second one with Selena Gomez in. 

2. Orange is the New Black - Yes, I've jumped on the OITNB wagon. I am only on season one, but am dying to watch season 2 and 3. It's so funny and grippingly interesting to watch!

3. Midnight Fantasy - I loved this perfume a while ago and I have grown to love it again. Britney Spears really makes a good perfume!

4. Clean on Me - Another S&G product featured on my blog oops! I just love their products. This shower gel/cream is absolutely lovely. Very nice on the skin and smells amazing.

5. Rocket Volume Express Mascara - I love Maybelline mascaras because they're such good quality for amazing prices. This Rocket mascara adds so much length and volume to the lashes. 

There are my favourites! What are yours?

Thanks for reading.
Have a wonderful week!

Love, Eve 

topical - gay marriage (my views)

June 27, 2015

Today's topic of choice is one that will be viewed in many different ways. I do certainly hope that people will take a very fair and kind view at it. Gay marriage is today's topic. 

I view gay marriage in one way; the same way as I view a heterosexual marriage. Personally, I see marriage as a celebration of love and commitment and I believe that everyone deserves the right, the equal right to be able to experience that. 

I personally do not identify as gay, but I know a few homosexual people in my personal life and can I say, they are wonderful people. There are so many heterosexual people out in this big world that aren't so wonderful. I'm not saying that all homosexual people are wonderful either, but I don't think it's fair that good people who are attracted to people of their own sex aren't given equal rights, despite their character. 
Why shouldn't people be allowed to marry someone of the same gender as them? 

Think about it this way:

Two twins: Jake and Ben
Both are 24
Both look identical
Both give money to charity
Both do the same job every day
Jake is heterosexual and Ben is homosexual. Is it only Jake that should be able to get married because he's straight?
Think about it.

I am so happy that the USA have allowed gay marriage nationwide. What a massive leap forward towards equality. 


Thanks for reading!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Love, Eve

F4F#42 - exciting new fitness journey

June 26, 2015

Hello everyone and a very happy Friday! :)

Today's Fit4Friday is going to be me sharing with you lot something I am on the road to doing at the moment. I wasn't going to share this on here just in case things don't do to plan, but I thought I should because 1. it's been meaning I haven't been posting as regularly 2. it's something I am incredibly excited about and I want this chapter of my life to be on my blog.

I am training to be a gym instructor and a Zumba instructor!!!!

If you know me well, you'd know that I love keeping fit and love Zumba. Becoming a Zumba instructor is something I've wanted to do for a very, very long time, but because of my exams I have had to put it off. To become a Zumba instructor you have to attend a one day training (mine is in July) which makes being a Zumba instructor sounds pretty easy, but isn't as after this training you have to put together a large array of routines in order to be able to make an enjoyable class.
I am also training to become a level 2 fitness instructor (gym), this is proving to be the most challenging of the two as I basically have to start revising again (after all my exams last month). The assessment consists of written exams, coursework and a gym practical and all will (hopefully) be completed by the middle of August.

I am really excited to be doing these things as they are things I've wanted to do for ages, but of course I'm slightly terrified at the prospect of more assessments etc.

Quote for today's post: Take every chance. Drop every fear.

Have a fabulous weekend!
Love, Eve

Take Chances.

June 22, 2015

Hi everyone.

It has been over a week since I last posted. I am very sorry about this - I'll try my best to get back on track, but lots has been going on.

A week ago today I finished my exams, so last week I took some time off to rest and enjoy. I have been really struggling with content ideas recently, but I'm starting to slowly gain motivation as far as blogging is concerned.

Today's post is about: taking chances.

After a year of dreaming about doing something (all will be revealed very soon), I'm starting to take a chance (which takes a lot more courage than I thought) and getting it done. It's really scary; the thought of it makes my stomach fill with butterflies, but it's something I really want to do and if I don't do it, I will most definitely regret it. Yes, I question my ability and worry about what others think, but if you let thoughts like that hold you back, you'll never doing anything. Take a chance.

Thanks for reading.
Love, Eve

F4F#41 - 30 minute gym routine

June 12, 2015

**Please note: I am not a qualified trainer, but these are exercises I've learnt from experts over the past years. Make sure you ask for advice (from a personal trainer/fitness instructor etc) or watch Carly Rowena (YouTube)/Blogilates/any other youtube/blog fitness expert for expert tips on performing the exercise correctly**

Recently I have only had time for a quick gym session because I have had so much going on in my life. Having such a quick gym session has meant prioritising exercises and abandoning time consuming ones. 

My set gym programme is about 70 minutes long and consists of the use of lots of the gym equipment (treadmill, cross trainer, lat machine, bicycle etc) I decided that in order for me to have a quick session I would have to cut out the majority of machines and do more floor exercises. 


My quick 30 minute routine:

- I normally walk / run to the gym so my heart rate is already up, but if my muscles aren't already warm I will go on the bike for 5-7 minutes (warming up before exercising is hugely important- greatly reduces the chance of injury).

- I have my own 'one song workout' to Uptown Funk which I'll do about 3-5 times. This workout consists of: hill climbers, side leg raises, donkey kicks, star jumps, bicycle sit ups and planks.

- I like to use a kettle bell for kettle bell swings and kettle bell squats. 

- Next, I use dumbbells for bicep curls and dumbbell punches.

- I try to hold a plank for a minute or so to get those abs working.

- The only machine I will use is the rower (a machine I used to hate, but now love.) This machine really works your abs hard. I stay on this machine for 5 minutes and aim to burn about 50 calories in that time.

- I like to then go back to the floor to do crunches, hundredths and some core strengthening (pelvic bridge, superman/superwoman and the cobra) 

- After finishing I will stretch out (make sure you do) : hamstring stretch, quad stretch, calf stretch, standing side stretch, arm stretches etc. Please research appropriate stretches for the exercises you do.

I hope that you liked today's post! Remember if you plan on doing any of the exercises, do your research on the safest ways of doing them or ask a professional for advice!

Thanks for reading!

Have a fabulous weekend!
Love, Eve

STYLE LOVE - Vanessa Hudgens, Tony Awards, June 2015

June 08, 2015

Happy Monday everyone!

Today I wanted to do a post dedicated to Vanessa Hudgens' Tony Awards look. She looked amazing. 

The dress she's wearing is by Naeem Khan and is absolutely draw droopingly beautiful! I love how much the dress compliments her in the way it flows. Personally, I think the design balances classiness and quirkiness fantastically and the colours are very much complimentary of the Spring / Summer season. Her black hair also looked fantastic in a pretty up-do (that braid is so nice!)

Vanessa hit the nail on the head with this look - she looks absolutely fantastic. I am feeling serious dress envy right now! 

What do you think of her Tony Awards look?

Thanks for reading - have a fab week!

Love, Eve

[ALL IMAGES ARE FROM GOOGLE IMAGES] Image 1- source , Image 2 - source

Instagram FAVES!

June 04, 2015

hello people of planet earth...

How are you all? :)


Today's post is all about Instagram! I've loved Instagram for ages, but only now I'm starting to use a theme for my photos (it is harder than it looks). I could spend hours scrolling through some people's beautiful instagrams and dreaming that mine will one day be as beautiful. Today I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite instagram accounts. They are all so nice...

My top instagram feeds are:






How lovely are their accounts?

What are your favourite instagram accounts? Do you find sticking to a theme hard? What is your instagram name? I love following different accounts!

Thanks for reading!
New post tomorrow!

Love, Eve