F4F#41 - 30 minute gym routine

June 12, 2015

**Please note: I am not a qualified trainer, but these are exercises I've learnt from experts over the past years. Make sure you ask for advice (from a personal trainer/fitness instructor etc) or watch Carly Rowena (YouTube)/Blogilates/any other youtube/blog fitness expert for expert tips on performing the exercise correctly**

Recently I have only had time for a quick gym session because I have had so much going on in my life. Having such a quick gym session has meant prioritising exercises and abandoning time consuming ones. 

My set gym programme is about 70 minutes long and consists of the use of lots of the gym equipment (treadmill, cross trainer, lat machine, bicycle etc) I decided that in order for me to have a quick session I would have to cut out the majority of machines and do more floor exercises. 


My quick 30 minute routine:

- I normally walk / run to the gym so my heart rate is already up, but if my muscles aren't already warm I will go on the bike for 5-7 minutes (warming up before exercising is hugely important- greatly reduces the chance of injury).

- I have my own 'one song workout' to Uptown Funk which I'll do about 3-5 times. This workout consists of: hill climbers, side leg raises, donkey kicks, star jumps, bicycle sit ups and planks.

- I like to use a kettle bell for kettle bell swings and kettle bell squats. 

- Next, I use dumbbells for bicep curls and dumbbell punches.

- I try to hold a plank for a minute or so to get those abs working.

- The only machine I will use is the rower (a machine I used to hate, but now love.) This machine really works your abs hard. I stay on this machine for 5 minutes and aim to burn about 50 calories in that time.

- I like to then go back to the floor to do crunches, hundredths and some core strengthening (pelvic bridge, superman/superwoman and the cobra) 

- After finishing I will stretch out (make sure you do) : hamstring stretch, quad stretch, calf stretch, standing side stretch, arm stretches etc. Please research appropriate stretches for the exercises you do.

I hope that you liked today's post! Remember if you plan on doing any of the exercises, do your research on the safest ways of doing them or ask a professional for advice!

Thanks for reading!

Have a fabulous weekend!
Love, Eve

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