Hey everyone!!
Today I wanted to do another favourites post. I did a 'current favourites' post a few months back, and today I decided to do another.
Today I am going to be specifically talking about my favourite body skincare products as I have been using some new ones recently!
Are we all sitting comfortably? Yes? Then I'll begin. (Anyone remember that from the Fimbles?)
Hey everyone!
A very happy Friday to you all! What a long, draining week it has been for me, so happy to have the weekend to chill a little.
Today's post is a 'full body bootcamp' post. They're really simple workouts targeted at MOST areas we like to tone up!
As I have previously stated, I am not an expert in the area. I'm using my own experience and sharing exercises I like to do myself!
Also, apologies for the messy background, I had to make do I'm afraid! (oh and my face in every picture is hilarious!)
Star jump with shoulder press.
The star jumps works at different parts of your body all at the same time, especially your legs!
By adding in a shoulder press (bringing your hands to touch above your head as you jump) you're also working on strengthening your arms and shoulders!
Star jumps can be done as a warm up, during a bootcamp exercise or as a cool down, all depending on the intensity!
High knees
Start on all fours, a little higher than you'd be in a press up position. You then take one leg into your chest as if you're about to start a race. You alternate legs (right leg, left leg, right, left....) for about 40 seconds- 1 minute (basically, bringing each leg into your chest at different times. Remember this movement has to be quite quick) Aim to do 2 sets.
If I didn't explain it very well look at the photo OR watch Carly Rowena's bootcamp video :FULL BODY FAT BURN BOOTCAMP
This exercise targets your legs, core(abs) and strength.
Heel touches
Touch either heel with your hand for 5-10 each side.
This exercise is brilliant at working your side muscles.
Three quarter pulse
I literally gave this workout my own name! haha!
Start with your body stretched out across the floor, with your arms stretched out above your head.
Use your core strength to come up into a THREE QUARTER sit up (more tension on abs than in a full sit up)
Once in that position, raise your feet off the ground and gain your balance. Place your arms at the side of your body and begin to pulse/pump your arms up and down to work the lower abs.
Do around 10 reps and repeat the sequence 1-3 times.
Does that burn or what?
WOW- We've reached our 10th F4F! Crazy!
Haia everyone,
I really struggled coming up with an idea for today's post. I've deliberated over a few ideas and finally it sprung to me...
"Eve, what was the thing you struggled with most when it came to keeping fit?"
My answer: "When to do it."
So, that's the theme of today's post: FINDING THE TIME.
I struggled with finding the time to exercise as I was always 'too busy'
The truth is, if you want to do it, you'll find the time.
Here are some simple ways to sculpt exercising into your weekly routine...
1. Get outside.
You can run, skip, walk, hula hoop etc.
My favourite workout to do is step it ups on a bench to sculpt my leg muscles. Going outside is free and there aren't many limits to the exercises you can do outside.
The best thing is you don't even have to donate hours of your day to workout- even if it's just 15 minutes every day or every other day you'll feel the benefit.
2. Watch tutorials.
I love watching exercise tutorials to get me feeling motivated. There are tons of great videos on youtube of people sharing their best workout tips.
My personal favourites are:
Why not try one of their workouts every day?
3. The comfort of your own home.
I think some people think that in order to have a great workout you have to be a gym member or have a big back garden. NOT TRUE.
There are so many exercises that can be performed inside your home,
For example.. how about climbing your stairs a few times?
4. Set a programme.
If you're a gym member, having an appropriate and enjoyable programme is essential. Talk to an instructor about setting a programme that will fit into your time schedule, and they will then make sure that your workouts will be within that time limit.
5. Make your own workout schedule.
If you make a timetable for when you're going to workout it will most likely keep you organised and motivate you to stick to it.
A timetable is super quick and easy to make, but incase you just haven't got the energy to make one, here's one I made...
It's a six week schedule that I created on microsoft, now all you have to do is fill in the gaps.
Remember.. even if you only have time to exercise once a week, that is fine- you're doing something!
Don't look at exercising as a chore, I believe it can be a lot of fun!!
First thing's first, I have to say a huge SORRY for not posting a F4F last week! I was very busy! SORRY!
1. Find your perfect swimsuit/beach wear
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As mentioned previously I am also a fan of debenhams for swimwear www.debenhams.com here are a few of their pretty designs...
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Firstly, I'd like to point out that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE AND BECOME A GYM RAT OR DIET FREAK TO LOOK GOOD. This is not what I'm suggesting at all.
What I mean by a healthy lifestyle is eating a balanced diet & maintaining an exercise routine (perhaps going for a walk instead of watching the TV?)
If you REALLY don't feel confident in your body (be realistic & don't compare yourself to others) and think it's time for a change then cut out those UN-needed calories from your diet & start to exercise more.
Personally I don't workout to lose weight, I do it more to tone up and maintain a healthier lifestyle. I must point out there are loads of exercises out there for you if going to the gym doesn't float your boat- how about going for a run outside in the great outdoors or going for a bike ride?
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3. Have confidence
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Haia everyone!
Trying a different font today, how exciting (not really!)
It feels like such a while since I last wrote a post and I am terribly sorry for missing Friday's Fit4Friday post- there is a very special one coming to you this Friday to make up for it!
Today, I decided to write a post on friendships. We are all trying to find our way in this world and having mates is important. It is often hard to know whether you have a genuine friendship with someone.
I am going to be exploring what I believe are the qualities you should look for in a friend and what a real friend is.
What is the definition of a friend?
'a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations.'
The key word here is MUTUAL. You can't have one person pulling the other's weight while gaining nothing in return.
I personally find that having friends of different ages is a great thing. I feel that I am accepted for who I am by women that I meet. ACCEPTANCE is so very important. These people play key parts in my life for the reason they like me for me.
What qualities should you look for in a friend?
Emotional intelligence.
For me, this is extremely important. A good friend will be aware of your needs and values. They'll always respect your beliefs.
A friend who lacks empathy and maturity wouldn't be considered a real friend.
A good friend NEEDS to be loyal. A friend who will stick with you through thick and thin whatever the situation, they'll always be there for you.
Lying shouldn't happen in a friendship. You have to be honest with each other. This is one of the most important qualities, as you can put trust in someone who is honest. Trust then means that both people feel comfortable to open up to one and other.
Being supportive.
Again, hugely important. If your friend is having a tough time then you should be there to listen. BOTH/ALL friends should be prepared to listen to each other's situations however big or small they may be.
Being sensitive.
If you're sensitive you make good friends. You should always ensure that you're sensitive of the other's feelings because what may not be hurtful to you, may hurt them.
In a friendship you should enjoy each other's company. Humour plays a big part in this as humour can bring out a lot of happiness. Although, humour isn't the biggest part of friendship. Yes, you can have someone who makes you laugh all the time, but are they there for you when you really need it?
You should be happy in your friendship otherwise there is no point.
A true friend should never pressure you into something you're not comfortable with. They must always respect your feelings.
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Hello everyone,
How are you all? I'm hoping that your week is running smoothly so far, if not- keep positive!
As I promised, today I am going to be doing a post sharing my experiences in the big apple. It was an amazing trip, filled with lovely memories!
I thought the best way to summarise the trip would be to put it in 'my favourite 10 things/moments' so that's what I'll do..
(No particular order)
1. Times Square
If you go to New York you MUST visit Times Square! It is absolutely incredible! It's shocking just how many people pass through the area in one day- let's just say very different to how many you'd see strolling around a street in Wales!
My most favourite thing about Times Square apart from the atmosphere and bright billboards are the shops & boy there are lots of them! But we'll talk more about shopping later on!
2. Cher Lloyd
I was very lucky to have the opportunity to meet Cher Lloyd on her album 'Sorry I'm Late' 's release date. She was very kind to all her excited fans as they greeted her.
I've had a listen to the new album and I really enjoyed it!
3. The Cripple of Inishmaan
This show was probably the highlight of my whole trip! I've actually written a post on just this show: HERE!! It's absolutely fantastic, a mixture of being hilarious and also moving! The acting was of a very, very high standard, I wish I could re-watch it!
I was very fortunate to meet Daniel after the show & he was lovely!
4. Visiting the Friends apartment
I am personally a massive FRIENDS fan! I love it, therefore I decided I had to visit the exterior of the apartment (the actual apartment is a studio in the Warner Bros studios) It was surreal to see the building in real life after seeing it pop up on the tellie screen time and time again!
5. Central Park
In the above picture I am in front of the Alice in Wonderland statue in the park which I made sure I visited!
Central Park is huge! It is amazing and there is so much to see. It's crazy how many people you see going for a jog across the paths, a different site to anything you'd expect in my local park!
I randomly met Ronan Keating (boyzone) in the park one day as he was filming something!
6. 5 Napkin Burger
I spoke about this amazing place too in a previous post: HERE!!
All I can say is this place is probably my favourite eating location in the city- it's amazing!!
7. Top of the rock
I highly recommend that if you get a chance you go to the top of the rock! The views are spectacular, absolutely breathtaking!! I visited at 10pm and the lights you see looking down at the city are amazing!
8. 9/11 memorial
A very fitting way to remember those who lost their lives in such a horrific event. Worth visiting.
9. Shopping
My favourite shops:
Victoria's Secret
Duane Reade
Bath & Body Works
Forever 21
10. Food