
how to be a good blogger

August 31, 2015

For today's post I thought I'd share some tips on being a good blogger. I know I am not near a great blogger; I'm an okay blogger. Despite not being top draw material I have been a blogger for over a year, so I do know what I believe would be key to making your blog a success. 

1. Interaction - This is possibly the most important tip. If you want people to start visiting your blog, you have to take the time to comment on their blog, tweet them or just join in with blogger chats. This is definitely an area in which I can improve on.

2. Plan - I have struggled with writing out and following a blog post plan, but recently I've come up with a great method. I find it's so annoying when you have planned to write a post about a product, but really can't be bothered with that post and have no other ideas. I've started to come up with 30 post ideas for each month and aim to write a post on 10 - 15 of them - it really helps with writers block too.

3. Writing - My favourite blogs show real personality in their posts and I think this is so important. If you want to be a good blogger, you can't try to be someone else or copy someone else; you should aim to show your own skills and character. 

4. Writing space - I find I enjoy blogging more if I'm writing in the right location. Since investing in a laptop I'm able to take it anywhere with me. My favourite places to write posts are in my bedroom (on the bed), in the garden or while watching Friends on TV. 

5. Enjoyment - There was a time where I completely went off blogging because I had no idea what to write about. I now completely love it because I just write about whatever I feel I enjoy etc. Writing posts you like makes your blog more enjoyable to read, as readers can see you've put the passion and effort into it.

6. Schedule - I like to buy myself an agenda to note when I'll be writing posts, taking photos and posting the posts. This keeps me motivated and on schedule.

7. Layout - The truth is your blog needs to look good. When I think about making a blog look good I think about having dish out a tonne of money, but it's a lot easier than that. There are a lot of blog designers out there for reasonable prices; some even less than £20! Personally, I haven't spent a penny on my blog layout - I've just done it all myself by doing  lot of research. 
P.S - remember good photos also make your blog aesthetically pleasing!

I hope you enjoyed reading my simple tips!

Thanks for visiting!

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