Thank You!!

July 12, 2014

Hello everyone!

I haven't blogged for a week! I do apologise that there was NO F4F yesterday, I was quite simply shattered! Sorry!

Just a quickie today as I experienced something VERY exciting last Saturday and I just had to do a quick post about it...

If you read my previous post about the importance of my culture, you may have noticed that I finished the post with my very own poem written in Welsh, this poem is very dear to me and I felt the need to share it.

I was very shocked to see a tweet to me with a link to a post that had featured MY poem and they told me that they really liked it, which of course made me VERY excited. (twitter followers should know how excited I was, sorry! ;) ) 
Anyway, I'd love to say a massive thank you for featuring my work in your post- Diolch yn fawr IAWN!

To see the post click here: 

Thanks for reading!!
SO close to 4,000 views- Crazy!!

Fingers crossed for a new post soon!

Have a lovely weekend!

Take care,
Eve xx


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