May 30, 2015

Today I wanted to do a different type of post called '5 ways blogging has changed my life'. I thought it would be a fun post to do to be able to reflect on how blogging has changed me as a person. Fellow bloggers...have a go- list your 5 things! Go on!

CREDIT: source
This may be a tad odd, but becoming a blogger has made me feel like I have a real place in this world and as if I'm putting something positive into the world. Becoming a blogger has inspired me to voice my opinions (in a fair and respectful way) and to share my life experiences (so far) with my readers. Before blogging all my opinions would be heard by family and friends, but now I have a way to share my thoughts and feelings with people over the world.
I appreciate little things a lot more. Since becoming a blogger I have started to notice and appreciate life's little things. Receiving one comment on a blog post has the potential to add so much positivity to my day.

It has hugely improved my writing and photography. I have so much more confidence now, so writing has become a heck of a lot easier. Reading others' blogs has tremendously inspired my writing and photograph taking too.

I think about blogging every day. I am always thinking about post ideas and ways to improve my blog's layout etc. It is a regular conversation in my house now: 'How many followers do you have now Eve?' and 'I saw you feature that on your blog!'

It has helped me meet so many wonderful people. Before writing my blog there was always a part of me that felt lonely, but now I feel so lucky and grateful to be able to communicate with fellow bloggers and readers all over the world. It feels as if I've known some of these people for years and years! 

Remember to share your 5 ways!

I'm having a haircut today...let's hope I don't do anything too drastic!

Thanks for reading!
Love, Eve

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  1. I love reading posts like this & I can definitely relate to some of your points!

    Sarah x

  2. Such a great post! I think blogging's improved my photography skills enormously and it's so great to see the difference between my old photographs and my latest ones. And yes it's true - you can't ever switch off from blogging!


    1. Thanks so much Jill! Blogging really does take over! hehe! x

  3. This is an awesome post and I totally agree with them! Blogging has definitely made me appreciate the little things more. I also love that my hobbie is now something which is pretty productive and actually building/creating something! xx

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. Thanks Jasmin! Blogging is definitely a very positive thing to do and is something that feels incredibly productive! xx

  4. Such a lovely positive post that I think we can all relate to :) xx

