Goodbye Alan Rickman

January 15, 2016

Written on Thursday, January 14th 2016.

Yes, I know this post isn't exactly 'blog' related, but is something close to my heart. 

I am writing this without having a plan or without proof reading because, I honestly want it to be a natural, real post. I am writing this on the 14th of January 2016. Today my favourite actor Alan Rickman passed away. 

If you know me at all, or you've been following my blog/twitter for a while then you'd know how much I adore him.

My good friend rang me at around twenty past one in the afternoon and told me. I was shocked and I cried. a lot.

I don't know if for some of you, writing a post like this about someone I never knew personally is a bit odd, I've felt the same in the past when I've seen people grieving over someone famous, I've thought: 'why are they so upset about someone who they hadn't ever met?', but now I understand. 
I have no idea if I will even post this, but I feel like I owe it to him to write a post about his importance to me and the world. 

I thoroughly enjoyed watching him in Love Actually and of course, as Colonel Brandon in Sense & Sensibility, but Snape is how I first was introduced to Rickman. I have been a massive follower of the Harry Potter series and Severus Snape quickly became my favourite character in both book and film. Alan was the perfect Snape. He somehow managed to make you love the character even in dark moments, because you were able to see that there was so much more depth to Snape than first meets the eye. I feel beyond blessed to be able to have watched Alan Rickman playing this character. Watching Rickman as Snape was the only time I've ever had goosebumps because of an actor.
I learnt many lessons from Snape; I firstly learnt that everyone has a story and sometimes the people who seem like the most unpleasant people, deep down are hurting. I've also learnt that being a hero isn't all about putting on a cape and saving the world, there is so much more to a true hero, so much more bravery. He also really showed that love is something that sticks with you forever, but is something that can also cause so much pain.
I shed many tears when Snape passed, but so many more today.
I don't know what it was about Alan Rickman; whether it was his amazing voice, his ability to  transport you wherever with his acting or just in his kind and friendly nature. I, of course have never had the pleasure of meeting Alan (something I always hoped would happen but never did), but I have, however, through hearing his loved ones paying tributes and through watching his interviews, been able to really see how warm, thoughtful and funny he was. 

I never thought the death of a "celebrity" would hurt me, but this one definitely has. He meant a great deal to me for a whole manner of reasons. I am truly heartbroken. It's devastating that we've lost someone so special to such a devil of an illness. 
I cannot begin to imagine the pain his family and friends are feeling right now, all I can do is send love, thoughts and prayers to them. 

Alan Rickman is gone, but never ever forgotten. Thank you so much for all you've given us, Alan. You were a true one-of-a-kind man and a true blessing to our world. Alan had a big impact on my life, he inspired me in many ways and could make me smile and feel happy (while watching him in films/interviews) on even the saddest days.

 I was planning to write Alan a letter about all the things I've mentioned in this post, but I never got the chance. I wish I had the chance to tell him how important he was.

I wish I could write something a lot more touching, but honestly it is too difficult to put my feelings into words right now. I tried.


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