May 06, 2014Hey!
How are we all? Okay, I hope.
It's that time of the year again...EXAM TIME!
Is it just me who finds it terribly hard to spend hours of your time reading page after page of information and copying out notes from the beginning of the year?
No? Didn't think so.
How do you revise effectively?
First things first, WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT and UNIQUE. This means that we study in different ways. This is fine.
I thought I'd share a few of my favourite tips that I hope will help you in some way, shape or from.
1. Read out loud. This really helps me because when I'm reading in my head I'm not always paying 100% attention to the words, but when I read aloud I am hearing the words & information which tends to help the information stick better.
2. Sticky notes. These are a great way to revise on the go. Write a fact on the & stick them anywhere you'll look, read it & voila- you've revised (a bit)!
3. Practice. Practice answering the type of question that could pop up, this will mean by the time you get to the exam you'll have experienced them & won't need to panic.
4. Get someone to test you. Think of it as a quiz, they ask the questions & you answer. If you get a question wrong they tell you the right answer & you can try the question again later on.
5. Break information down. For example, if you've been revising history break down each period to the key events & important information.
1. Take breaks- do something enjoyable too.
2. Don't over do it- this doesn't help with concentration.
3. Don't panic, try to relax- it helps info sink in
4. Make it fun- find ways to make the experience better. For example, play revision games.
5. Fuel your body with food & drink- this is so important for energy.
6. Don't beat yourself up. Practice makes perfect & practice doesn't have to be every hour of your free time.
7. Get on with it- the more time you waste avoiding it, the less time you get free.
8. Keep at it- It's hard but you're getting there. Stay positive.
Good Luck if your facing any exams soon.
You'll be fine, stay positive.
Have a happy week:)
Take care,
Eve xx