my blogging area

March 14, 2015

 My creative space.

Today I thought I'd do a bit of a different post. I thought I'd show you where most of the magic happens (if you'd call it magic that is). I'm going to share some photos from my desk area from where I blog.

Excuse me in the mirror - I know I look like I'm wearing a bin bag, but it's actually my coat :)

On my desk:
Daffodils - My birthday is tomorrow (March 15th) so my Mam bought me some pre birthday flowers! I adore daffodils and I feel these really brighten up my space.
A cup of tea/coffee - For the majority of the time when I blog, I'll have a beverage of some sorts by me. It makes the experience of writing a post even more enjoyable and relaxing.
Notebook - 'life is beautiful CARPE DIEM' in this book I write things that I get inspired by, lessons I've learnt, happy things, sad things etc. It helps me keep track of my mind and also helps when writing future blog posts.
The computer - This what I write the posts on :)
Pens & Pencils - They are normally placed down by the side of my desk, so if I get an idea I grab a sticky note and dot it down.
Around my desk area I have photos, letters I've received, sticky notes with wise words etc. I also have some lovely fairy lights and my name in fabric. 

I hope you enjoyed this post!
See you tomorrow!
Have a lovely day!
Love, Eve

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